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Britt Acocelli

Artist, Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher

Stillness seems more and more difficult to find, yet we know on a subconscious level it is vital for us to live deeply and authentically. Often, we are busy and want fast relief.  Sadly, many of us have bought into the idea that there is a pill for whatever is ailing us or we can suppress what is going on emotionally. In Ayurveda, living a truly "sattvic," or truthful,  lifestyle requires practice and gentle discipline - it is a lifetime journey with yourSelf. 


As an artist, I find that adding a sense of creativity and play to that journey, assists us as we dive into the depths, so that we do not run away or give up if things become overwhelming. I practice an artistic approach to Ayurvedic healing in order to simplify the ancient wisdom from India.  My goal as a teacher is to make it digestible in order for Ayurveda to become a lifestyle rather than a temporary trend.


I want to honor the roots of both Yoga and Ayurveda and because of that,

I will be a humble and lifelong student.


Ayurvedic Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa flow, Yin Yoga, Ayurvedic lifestyle consulting, positive psychology, and creative arts therapies

What is Ayurveda?


Ayurveda is a science with roots nearly 5000 years old. It is the vital sister to Yoga.  It is a beautiful holistic healthcare system primarily focused on maintaining a healthy digestive and nervous system.  Over time we realize how vital these systems are to our well-being and Ayurveda continues to prove that how you treat your mind and body matters.  Even by taking simple steps to maintain an Ayurvedic lifestyle, you are improving the quality of your life exponentially. 

What is Ayurvedic Yoga?

Ayurvedic Yoga is a personal approach to Yoga in all of its forms and artfully connected to the seasons.  With the 8-Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga in mind, I work with you one on one, or in a small group, to identify the type of movement, pranayama (breath-work), or meditation that would most benefit you in this current moment or season.  We also look at the other limbs to help integrate ahimsa, a "non-harmful" approach.

How does creativity play into Ayurveda and Yoga?

I have created an approach in order to better understand how Ayurveda can impact creatives. 

Vata: the mover       

Pitta: the performer

Kapha: the sculptor

Vata: represents the elements air and ether.  With Vata in mind these lifestyle recommendations are for:

- the movers

- the makers that tend to work fast

- the multitaskers that take on too many tasks 

- those who can't seem to sit still or focus their attention on one thing for very long

- those experiencing anxiety

- over-thinkers

If you need to slow down, take a deep slow breath, this is for you!

Pitta: represents the elements fire and earth.  With Pitta in mind these lifestyle recommendations are for:

- the performers

- the makers that make things happen

- the passionate

- the political

- the leaders

- the business owners

- those who are constantly the voice for creating change

If you need to cool down this is for you!

Kapha: represents the elements earth and water.  With Kapha in mind these lifestyle recommendations are for:

- the sculptors 

- the makers that predominantly work with their hands

- those that work with the earth

- the heavy lifters

- the patient ones who tend to serve others 

- those that can contemplate philosophy for far too long before actually doing anything

- those that have ideas but need a push to actualize them

If you need movement or motivation this is for you!

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Contact Me

I am available and have experience working with clients in:



San Francisco




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